
There Is Joy before the Angels of God (in the Literary Review, print)
Wonder, R.K.V.R.Y. Quarterly Literary Journal
The Red Mug, Compass Literary Journal
Other Leevilles, Paper Tape
12-Bar Blues (Print only. Buy it from the publisher, Pilgrimage)
Lavender, The Best of the Boston Literary Magazine, Volume II
And more.
Creative Non Fiction

The Wolf Is in the Kitchen (anthologized in Two Countries: U.S. Daughters and Sons of Immigrant Parents.)
The Ghoul and the Magpie, on After the Art
Practice Practice, Helen Literary Journal
And more.
Other Nonfiction

I contributed a bunch of articles to Filmmaker Magazine, including an essay about the 7 Up films and an interview with Michael Apted.
I wrote “When Will You Make an End” for Talkhouse, about what it’s like to work on a film for 15 years.
I’ve written a few pieces for Submittable, including How to Finish Your Film, Chasing Portraits, an interview with filmmaker Elizabeth Rynecki, History and Horror Noir, interview with filmmaker Xavier Burgin, and Yes, Another Streaming Service, But This One You’ll Want to Subscribe to, interview with founding partner of and Vice President of First Run Features, Marc Mauceri.
I also wrote for, a blog about the performing arts written by performing artists.
And some other stuff that’s not on the web: Writer for SportsFigures (ESPN Television): “The Spin Doctor Is In” and “Ice Ain’t Easy” (featuring Olympic figure skater Sasha Cohen). An educational television series that explored a variety of math and physics concepts in the world of sports and used well-known athletes to help explain the relationships.
Contributor of 683 movie reviews for The Blockbuster Video Guide to Movies & Videos.
Contributor of 140 movie reviews and 13 essays on film genres for Seen That, Now What?
And more.